Tuesday 15 November 2011

Just How Grey Is Today?

a battleship sky peppers my
ashen eyes
summer’s sombre tombstone,
oyster grit scratched, granite
elegy lain over smoky pyre

rising as dingy dove soon to be naught
but cinereal ash
all life seems blanched
by grisly lividity pallid,
 heather powdered,
to abrogate all hue and tincture

where the gaudy fusillade
of fall’s chromaticity?
such the capitulation
to leaden neutrality

drab iron clad
slate dust dusk
where even mouse
can stand as vivid array
in this dullest
day of greys


  1. ddang, so its a pretty bleak day...you already had me there in the first several lines...really cool uses of language in this...battleship sky and cinnereal ash...two favorites...

  2. You have power and grit in your words ~ We are having grey clouds here, so your words resonate with me ~

    Welcome to D'verse ~ Feel free to visit the links and return visits as well ~

    Nice to meet you ~

  3. just love the images you use...vividly painted sir...and nice to meet you...smiles
